How Chrissy Weems Used The Internet To Start An Empire

Chrissy Weems
Chrissy Weems, founder and CEO of Origami Owl.

Chrissy Weems is one of the most successful women in business of recent years after building an empire around her Origami Owl brand which was established alongside her daughter, Bella. The internet has played a major role in the development of Weems’ business as a tool to connect with direct sales professionals and customers across the world.

Humble beginnings

In 2010, Chrissy Weems was a mother looking to encourage her 14-year-old daughter Bella to stand on her own two feet by saving her own money for a car. Bella found this a difficult thing to do with the low-paying jobs available in her area for someone her age. Bella would eventually look to the internet for assistance and guidance and fall upon her love of crafting and YouTube.

Chrissy and Bella Weems would eventually begin to create jewelry for themselves after discovering a range of videos giving how-to guides on YouTube and using these to guide their initial attempts to create jewelry and various other crafting items from their own home. Bella Weems had designed an origami owl she made a number of times using skills discovered using YouTube and decided to put her skills to positive use and start her own business.

Moving into the Online business world

Over the course of the early days of the Origami Owl business, the Weems family sold a number of their early prototypes to friends and family members. Getting a start can often be difficult for women in business, but the Origami Owl brand launched in a local mall using antique lockets purchased online and personalized by hand. Rising costs associated with stall rental made it difficult for Origami Owl in the early days but the inclusion of online sales made a major difference. After making around $26,000 in their first weekend in the mall, Origami Owl shifted to a direct sales model based on attracting clients through its growing website.

Using their new website, direct sales consultants have the opportunity to explore the many different products on offer for them to sell to customers and develop and share their own ideas and personalized designs. Origami Owl is not simply looking to create a profit, but also to develop opportunities for women in business who can become a designer and establish their own space for creating and selling custom jewelry from the comfort of their own homes.

There are many different opportunities available for women to to create a brighter future for themselves and form strong partnerships which could last for life. In many instances women choose to start a family business alongside their daughters, following in the footsteps of Bella Weems and her mother, Chrissy.

Social Media Marketing Growth For Origami Owl

Social media platforms have become a major part of the day to day operations of Origami Owl as the need to attract parents and daughters to the brand has never been greater. Much of the Facebook marketing of Origami Owl is focused on the association between mothers and daughters who can either purchase the jewelry of Origami Owl for each other or develop their interest in jewelry to start their own business.

As the direct sales approach of Origami Owl has developed over the years it has utilized the internet as a powerful tool. Twitter has become a major part of the marketing approach of Origami Owl with a focus placed on bringing families together and allowing women across the U.S. to create a business of any size from the comfort of their own home.